Hi beautiful! I can't believe I'm finally sitting down and doing this. I've been wanting to keep a journal for you since I first found out I was pregnant. The first time I felt you move I thought, 'I need to write this down', but then I got hungry. Now you're 3 months old and I figured I better get on this.
I wanted to write this the old fashioned way, with a pen and paper. To me it just means more that way and seems more honest when you can't constantly go back and edit your thoughts. I'm sure you know this by now. I've probably tried dozens of times to get you to hand write thank you cards and just because notes. Did it work? Do you feel the difference between a handwritten note and a typed one and cringe at the thought of an e-mailed birthday "card" ?
I so wanted a journal for you, with crossed out thoughts and perfumed pages, but yesterday I couldn't find my wallet, or my cell phone, or the hot glue gun (and I had a really cute idea for a headband... dang it) , so I decided this would be safer. I hope this is just as special. I hope my love for you still comes across as pure and genuine.
I'm warning you now that your Mama is one forgetful lady. (Are you reading this and thinking ' Whattt? Forgetful? That doesn't sound like my mom at all! '). So if there are long gaps of time missing, I'm sorry, but I'm going to try my best to keep this journal updated. I want you to know what you were like as a kid and how greatly you've impacted my life. I want to share with you all of those special moments that you can no longer remember. I want you to know me and the parts of myself that I may never reveal to you and thoughts that I may never share with you. You're starting to wake up, so for now I'll just leave you with an I love you and I hope you're as happy as you've made me.