
My First Father's Day (By Dad)

So I had my first father's day this past weekend and it was awesome. Your mother had the whole day planned out for me and it was really nice. I spent most of the day feeling incredibly grateful for you and your mother.

After college, I felt my like my life was completely and utterly unmeaningful. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want it to sound like I was super depressed or anything like that. If you had asked me back then, I would have said that I was happy, and I was. But when I had quiet time for some honest self reflection, I knew that I did not find my life fulfilling, and I felt like it was lacking in a way that I could never really explain, because my life was sweet. I worked all day, made money, and then spent that money on things I wanted. And it was fun having a motorcycle and a sweet tv and a Playstation 3 before anyone else had one and all that. It was fun being able to pretty much do anything I wanted whenever I wanted and never having to worry about money. But I could never really shake the feeling in the back of my mind that I was really wasting my time. You see, buying cool toys was fun and distracting, but ultimately, I knew that none of that stuff really mattered. "You can't take it with you," as they say and it was something that I felt in a very real way.

Fast forward a few years and I was spending my first Father's Day with my wife and my daughter and all I could think about was how blessed I am for having the two of you in my life. Knowing that I have the two of you makes me happier than I have ever been. And I know that being a father is the most important thing I will ever do. No longer do I feel like my life is without meaning, I know that if I can be a good husband and a good father and help raise your right, then that will be more meaningful than anything else I can ever do in my life. So thank you Lovey, for coming into my life and for making me a Father.