
I don't have a clever title for this. Maybe your mom will come up with one (By Dad)

This past week you stood yourself up for the first time. You've been getting better at it for a few weeks now but you always had me or your mom help you up before. But you crawled right over to your changing table and pulled yourself up and when you stood up you looked so proud of yourself. And it may seem like such a small thing now that you are (I hope) a pro at standing up and walking about, but I was so proud of you too. I sent a video to your grandmas and your grandpa and he texted me back and said it made his day. At first I thought that was a little weird because it was just a small thing until I thought about it a little more and realized it had been the best part of my day too. It's funny because with school and work and everything else going on, all I think about most days is how much I have to get done and how I can't wait until I'm finished with my thesis because maybe, finally, then I will have some time to enjoy myself. But I'm coming to realize that I can't live everyday thinking only about how much better the future is going to be. I need to learn to appreciate all the small things in my life that bring me joy everyday. Yeah the future is exciting and it can hold anything I want it to, but my life is pretty good right now and I need to spend more time being thankful for that and enjoying it. I'm married to a good woman, I have a job I like as much as I have ever liked a job, and I have a beautiful daughter who lights up when she smiles at me (and more often at her mom). Life is good.