
Laughter: The best medicine (By Dad)

Just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about how awesome it is to hear you laugh. The day to day reality of my life recently has been such a drudgery what with the work and then all the work on my thesis afterwards. When I'm not careful it is easy for me to overwhelm myself with the all I have to do on a daily basis. But every day I get to spend some time with you and when you start laughing, the pure unadulterated joy of your laughter makes everything I'm doing all day to provide for us worth it. Seriously kid, there is nothing that makes me feel better than getting you laughing.

Lately, for some reason, you seem to really think the word "pizza" is funny. We had pizza for dinner the other night and I did the "pizza, pizza" thing from the Little Caesar's commercials from when I was a kid and you just cracked up. So I kept doing it and you just kept laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. I'm sure you will eventually have a much more sophisticated sense of humor but right now it's fun to see the random things you find funny. Another one of your favorites right now is that you like to be chased. You'll start crawling away from me and then you'll stop and sit down and look for me and then wait until I get up. I'll say something like, "I'm coming to get you Noelle," and then you'll just start laughing and crawling away and then when I finally catch you I reach down and tickle you and you just laugh and laugh. It is quite possibly the most adorable thing ever. And then today, you came into my office to visit while I was working. You were standing at the end of the couch and then you would move your head to the side so you couldn't see me and then pop out and start screaming. And then I would act scared and you thought it was so funny. Eventually you started clapping because you were so proud of yourself. Anyways, those are just some of the things you find funny these days. Hopefully, you still think your dad is funny.