
A First Time For Everything

Remember back when I said that 2 months was your most exciting month? Well, the 5 month old you put the 2 month old you to shame. It seemed like almost everyday last month you were on a new adventure. Let's take a look at your month of firsts shall we?
*You sat up by yourself for the first time.
*Got your swim on

*Grandma K grabbed the title of your first official babysitter while your Parents went on their first official date since you've been born. It was to see the Hunger Games in case you were wondering.
*You went to the Zoo and decided that the only thing of interest there are the birds and the bumpy pavement which is ideal for napping.
*Road Trip!! We left at night so you could sleep through most of it. It worked pretty well... until it didn't. When you were sleeping all was good but when you were awake... well let's not talk about that.*You had your first movie theatre experience, which bombed. So then you had your second movie outing which was actually more of you playing and me trying to keep you from getting too loud, but we made it to the end. So, I'd call that a smashing success.
*You had your Blessing. I know what you're thinking, "Wasn't I a little old for that?" And yes, yes you were. But I'll explain our tardiness later.
*You got to celebrate 3 holidays. Mother's Day, Pop's birthday, and your Cousin Evie's birthday.
*You also got to meet a whole gaggle of people. There's too many to name but I'll try to get to the main ones. Let's See... Pop's best friend Josh, your Aunts Leah, Rachel, and Sonny, Uncles Isaac and Josh, Cousins Evie and Jared, your Great Grandma, you get the drift. Lots of peeps.

See what I mean? Month number 6 has some pretty big shoes to fill.