Your birth story actually starts a few days before your actual birth. I went to the doctors for my weekly check up the week before you were born and the nurse told me that my blood pressure was high and I'd have to come back in 2 days to have it checked. Two days later my BP was still high and I was sent to the hospital to be monitored there. The nurse made the mistake of letting me know that there was a chance that I might get induced since I was so close to my due date.
The whole time of my pregnancy I had been dreading the possibility of getting induce. I had heard horror stories of the long and painfully strong contractions and I was not interested. At the hospital I took deep breaths and tried to stay as calm as possible in the hopes of lowering my BP. Thankfully it worked and they sent me home but I still had to come in the next day to make sure we were alright.
What I thought was going to be a quick examine took hours! I was miserable and something about being in the hospital for that long made me just want to get induced and get this show rolling already. So, I'm not proud of this, but I started making my blood pressure rise. I held my breath, danced around in my seat when no one was looking, and did whatever I could think of to make those stupid little blue numbers rise. It worked pretty well but since I could only put my plan into action when no one was around, I couldn't keep the charade up. So instead of inducing me right then they scheduled an induction for Wednesday. It was only Saturday and you were due on Monday. I had a mixture of feelings. I was happy that there was still a chance that I wouldn't be induced but I was sad that I didn't get to meet you yet.
I had another doctors appointment on Monday and when the Nurse saw me she looked so confused and asked " Why are you still pregnant?" It didn't hit me until right then how ready I was to have you. Women had been telling me my whole pregnancy that the last trimester is the hardest and everyday after you reach full term is the worst. I hadn't felt that way. In fact I loved being pregnant. I loved feeling you kick and move inside me. I love getting to eat just straight junk and not giving a you -know- what about it. As far as I was concerned, you could've stayed in there as long as you wanted. But that Monday it hit me and I was D-O-N-E done! Those 5 words were your eviction notice.
As expected my BP was still high and I was sent back to the hospital. Only this time I was on a mission. So before heading to the hospital I went home to get to work. I called your Aunty Keisha to find out what kinds of things make your BP go up... like ALL the way up. Up to the point where they would have to induce me. Salt seemed to be the answer. I decided that I would eat as much salty food as my body would take but first I had to pee (pregnancy was really starting to irritate me). Or at least I thought I did.