
Worry Wart

Last week you had your first real illness, the dreaded Ear Infection. For most parents the worst part about their child being sick, is well, their child being sick. Although I felt for you, I promise I did, I knew you would handle it like a boss. Your Pops on the other hand was a completely different story. The man can worry like nobodys' business, and that worried me.
When you woke up with a fever my first thought was "poor baby" and my second thought was "crap, I'm gonna have to tell Abe." I was nervous that he would over react and in turn stress me out like only he can. I contemplated not telling him but decided that it was the right thing to do. You are kind of half his after all. So I put on my big girl pants and let him know. His reaction was a little less the world is ending than I expected, but the worrying was still in full swing.
After his third offer to take off work to help, it stopped being annoying. Weird right? You would think that would be when I would want to pull my hair out. But no. Seeing how much he cared for you made me look at his constant worrying in a different light. 
I realized that to worry about someone is one of the purest signs of love. In my book it's better than love. Because you can love easily. I've felt love for strangers. But worry? Now that's a little harder. I can list on one hand the amount of people that I worry about daily. That's probably a little sad, but worrying is hard work yo.
Do you know how lucky you are to have a Dad that worries about you ALL the time? Whose worry is so strong that it affects (aka annoys) those around him? That's an amazing thing. I hope you appreciated his sincere love for you. I'm sure it was irritating at times but I hope even in the moments when you wanted him to back off you realized how blessed you were that he was there. I'm going to try to remember that too and do my best to remind you. 
Did I do a good job? Did you smile instead of rolling your eyes when he made you drive in every possible weather condition before letting you drive solo or when he went through a laundry list of 'what-ifs' before your first date? Did I? I hope so because we got ourselves a keeper if I do say so myself.