
A Promise. A Vowel. A Must.

This week you turned 20 weeks old. For some reason 20 weeks just sounded ancient to me. Well maybe not ancient but pretty dang old. I think that's because this was the first week that it hit me that you won't always be a little baby.
We met up with some other Mamas and babies for a walk on Tuesday and one of the babies was not so much of a baby. He was 11 months and walking and talking. Every time my attention went towards him it made me think about how much I was looking forward to you growing and being able to play and interact with me more.
That's been a constant thought of mine lately. I've been finding so much enjoyment in the thoughts of all the things we'll do when you're older, of all the places we'll go, and skills you'll learn. "I can't wait until..." rolls of my tongue daily, and I forget that I don't have to wait. You're here now and you're getting bigger and more active everyday. There are tons and tons of things we could do together and skills that you can work on. I need to remember that. I need to find my enjoyment in the moments that we spend together everyday and stop romanticizing the future. You're here now after all.
So today I make a vowel, not to wish you were older but instead to enjoy the stage that you're at fully. To take in every giggle and smile, to cherish every time my touch silents a cry, to notice every chubby finger and to appreciate every moment we have together... right now.
Yesterday Pops said to me "Do you ever think about how one day she's going to be a toddler?" It was such a silly question, because that was what I was most looking forward to, but the truth is that I hadn't fully acknowledged it. You won't always be a baby. There will come a time when you would rather walk than be carried, use a spoon rather than let me feed you, and keep feelings to yourself instead of looking to me for comfort. "They grow up fast", was the advice that I was always given, and I never really understood how that even was advice until now. They grow up fast.. You'll grow up fast... You're growing up fast and what a shame it would be if I missed it because I was too busy wishing you'd grow faster?