
Lessons Learned

Today was a no good, what did I ever do to you, the devil is alive, hands up in the air kind of day. It started off good. We had a plan. A play date, followed by a little thrifting, and organizing during nap time, it was suppose to be easy. But I guess you didn't get the memo. We were going to leave at 11 am. So when you were fussy at  9:30, I thought, 'no problem', when you were crying at 10, I thought, 'a quick nap should fix that', then when you woke up screaming at 10:30, I cancelled our plans, changed back into my sweats, and thought about all the tivo I was going to catch up on.

I guess you hadn't learned
yet, that when you waste
an outfit, the Terrorist
If this had happened a few months ago, I probably would have panicked. I would have assumed that you were dying because I didn't get all the chocolate off my finger before you shoved it in your mouth. But this time I knew by the sound of your cry and the look in your eyes that you were going through a growth spurt and needed to sleep the day away. So I rocked you, bounced you, nursed you, and all but hypnotized you, to try to help you get the nap you so desperately needed. But it didn't work, because apparently naps are for chumps and you ain't no chump, so you decided to fight it. You decided to kick and scream and yawn, then repeat, and watch me run around like a mad woman. "Do you want to watch videos? NO. Do you want to play? NO. Do you want to eat? NO. Do you want to go for a walk? NO. Do you want Mama to have a nervous break down? NO. Umm are ya sure?" Finally around 1:30 pm you drifted off and all was right in the world. 
Thinking about the complete 180 the day took made me think about all the advice I'd been given over the last year, and how none of it prepared me for that. When I was pregnant I got loads of advice. Everyone pretty much said the same stuff, you won't sleep, babies cry, breastfeed, you'll love her immediately, blah blah blah. Most of what I was told was more common sense than useful information. Over the last few months I've learned that no matter how many books you read or people you talk to, there's really only one person who can prepare you for motherhood.
Here are some things you've taught me:
* If you see spit up coming and there's not a towel in sight- catch it in your hand. That's way easier than wiping it off clothes or furniture.
* Stranger Danger is learned in the womb- There's no such thing as letting someone hold your kid while you run to bathroom unless they've spent a minimum of 10 hours together
* Poop flies
* Naps are a must. A missed nap means it's a stay at home kind of day
* All the loud noises, weird sounds, and silly faces it takes to conjure up a smile or laugh = completely worth it
* Just because your boobs don't feel full doesn't mean they won't leak. And when they leak you won't even know it, oh but everyone else will... awkward.
* You'll forget that boobs are more than just a bottle... again.. awkwarddd
* Strangers will want to engage in conversation and know all about your precious little bundle no matter how cranky she is or how much of a rush you're obviously in
* Someone somewhere will think she's a boy no matter how pink the outfit or frilly the dress
* Long morning showers are for the childless, so is sleeping in, spontaneity, and white shirts.
* You'll experience the deepest purest love you've ever felt
* Which will lead to an endless amount of worrying and second guessing
* You'll become those people in every sense of the phrase
*Staying awake during late night/early morning feedings is an art form
The list could go on and on because you my friend are one heck of a teacher.