In order to catch you up to today, I need to fill you in on the last 3 months. The first month, which would be November 29th- December 28th, was pretty uneventful as far as you were concerned. My mom, your Grandma Kathy, came to visit the week of our birthday. You liked her. You smiled for her at just the right times and fell asleep in her arms. Also, Grandma and I tried to pretend like we knew what we were doing as we took your newborn photos. Here are my two favorites.
The next week my Dad, Lisa, and Aeriol came to see you. They only stayed for a few hours, so you didn't really get to show off all of your awesomeness, but I think they were still pretty impressed.
Sleeping was kind of your jam at the time. You slept, ate, and pooped, you know,the usual. You did smile and giggle a few times, but everyone just said it was gas so I don't really know if it counts. Although, secretly I count it. You also slept through the night for the first and only time. That was exciting. Basically you were just cute and perfect. Pops and I just loved on you lots and although you didn't say so, I think you liked it.