
Two Months & A Plane Ride Later

On January 29th you turned 2 months old and although that doesn't sound like an exciting age, it was your most eventful yet. The day that you turned 2 months you lifted your head all the way up for the first time and rolled over from your stomach to your back. I was so excited that I ran to show Pops and then we proceeded to video tape you and send it out to everyone. It was a little extreme but we didn't care.

You and I also flew to Virginia to stay at Grandma Ks' house. You rocked at flying. You slept through most of the flight there and back and waited until the very end to act a fool. Which I greatly appreciated. In Virginia you got to meet your Great Aunty Vicky, Aunty Keisha, and cousins Jordan and Jacyiah. I'm not gonna lie, you weren't that into them, but I'm sure by now you love them.
We had plans to take tons of cute pictures
but this is the best you two would let us get.
You still weren't sleeping through the night which sucked for me but you were a little champ at taking naps during the day. You got on a pretty good schedule which meant that you were happy pretty much all day. You started "talking" more and worked a lot on grabbing things with those adorable little chubby fingers.
You also made Pops your first Valentine for him!