
Picky Eaters Need Not Apply!!!

Every week I read up on where you should be developmentally. You know, just to make sure I'm not completely screwing you up and that you're growing properly, hitting your milestones, and all that jazz.Which you are, FYI, well except for last week. That was the week that you were suppose to "discover" your feet and have some foot to mouth action. You did seem more interested in your feet but never tried to eat them, I consider this a win though.
Anywho, (I kind of love that now that I'm a Mom I can say things like anywho in the everyday and no one thinks twice. You did that! Round of applause) four months is the age where parents can start introducing solids, if they want. I was against it, not for any real reasons, just because it wasn't necessary and it seemed silly to give you food when all you needed was milk. But then your doctor told me that babies who start on solids earlier are usually better eaters later and my sister said that solids may help you sleep better. With your Pops already being a vegetarian, you being a finicky eater was the last I needed, and with these bags to Paris under my eyes, you sleeping longer than an hour at a time was the only thing I wanted. So I decided to give it a try. Not only did you love it, but you also slept for an average of two whole hours at a time and it only took a few minutes to get you back to sleep. Oh carrots puree, I may name my next child after you.