Luckily Pops is all for my Green Acres life style. So, he drove us around to look at all the Farms and to ooh and aah at all the big houses on acres of land. Every barn I saw just made me want to move that much more. Oh Farm life, with gardens and chickens and a cow, oh my! I was in daydream heaven.
Pops and I talked about how he would build a lake and stock it with fish and put a theatre in the basement. I gushed about the products I would make with my fresh eggs and cows milk and sell at a Farmer's Market. We talked so much and so seriously that for a while I forgot that we weren't really moving. At least not for a few years.
Going back to Florida to our one level house with no backyard sounded horrible. I mean we don't even have a chicken for goodness sakes. I know how blessed we are to even just have a house... period. Nonetheless one with a pool, hot tub, multiple rooms, etc. I get it. We should be counting our lucky stars. But I really want a farm, and a girl can have a dream right? So, I let myself get a little sad and long for the day when we can finally move to one.
The drive home from Indiana started off kind of sad. Florida.. blah. But as we got closer the thought of sleeping in my own bed started to creep in and put a grin on my face. Then the thought of you getting back on a routine and our days getting back to normal, well that brought on a full on smile. Oh Florida, come to Mama.
I couldn't describe the feeling that I had when we finally pulled into our neighborhood. The light to turn left that is never red, the gate that takes my whole life to open, our messy two car garage that barely fits one, and our house that welcomes us like an old friend.
It wasn't until this morning when I was putting you in your swing that I recognized that feeling. It was in the way that you looked at the mobile on the swing. That smile and glint in your eyes was almost as if you were saying, " hey I know you." It was sweet and that look was my feelings exactly. Hey I know you, you're no Farm, but you're our house... no.. you're our Home. Home, gosh can you believe it? We done made ourselves a home!
You know that expression, 'Home is where the heart is?" Well, I use to always think that meant that home was just where ever you were. And I'm sure to a lot of people that is how it works. But not for us. For us, our hearts are locked up that silly little house that always has dog hair on the floor and a half finished craft on the table. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll leave this tramp in a second, but for now, it's good to be home.
Can we just dream for a second: