
And That's All I Have To Say About That

Have you seen Forest Gump? 
Here's a look at your weekly pictures from when you were 2 & 3 months old. ENJOY!

This is the week you rolled over for
the first time
I took this picture right after I had just
given you a bath and oiled you all up.
So you're a tad on the shiny side.
Happy Valentines Day! Everyone who
sees this picture thinks that you were just
really drooly. But nope, I thought it'd
be cute and festive but apparently I
was wrong.
The first on camera smile! It took a lot
of work to get it, but boy was I glad
when I caught it.
Getting this picture was no Joke! You
were super fussy and just wanted to
suck on your pacifier and be left
alone. I had to give you your pacifier
then quickly pull it away to take the
picture. We'll call these photos the
before and after.
3 Months!
Can we just talk about what a good hair
day you had that day? Gorgeous!
That face says it all. This was a good
week. Favorite. Picture. Ever!
Usually you seem so mature 
(well as mature as an infant can be) but 
this week you were in full on baby mode. 
You didn't even want to sleep by yourself.
 You also fell in love with Elmo and
gave a cheesy little smile when we 
played his  ABC's video.