
Not So Social Butterfly

Yesterday we went on our fourth play date. The first two times you were very young and seemed to just be sort of taking it all in. However these last two times were a whole different story.
 Pops and I have a problem where we don't exactly love to be around a lot of people and you my dear are definitely our child. We went to a Mexican themed play date and while all the other kids were swaying happily to the salsa beats you were having a fit. All the moms wanted to come talk to you and tell you how cute you were but you were not having any of it. Whenever anyone would say anything to you, you would pout that bottom lip and let those crocodile tears roll. It was probably one of the saddest things I had ever seen. 
I got to spend most of the day walking around, bouncing you, and trying to calm you down. Finally I gave up and decided to cut my losses and head home. At first I thought you were just tired since you had missed your nap, and although I think that played into it, I suspect the biggest problem is that you just don't like people all up in yo grill (do kids still talk like that? Gosh I hope not. I also hope I never say 'gosh' out loud.). Although I don't blame you one bit, I'm still trying to take you out more so you can learn to tolerate large crowds and make some baby friends. I have to admit though, I'll probably miss these days of you only wanting me and basically and often times literally, giving the middle finger to everyone else. 
I wonder what you're like now. If you still prefer small groups with familiar faces or if you've learned to enjoy making new friends. I have a feeling that you're more towards the latter. You have such a sweet personality and you crack me up on the regular, so I'm sure this is just a phase and you'll be the life of the party in no time. We have another play date on Friday, fingers crossed that we make it to the end. 
Don't you look like you're having a blast?