
A Week In Review

We started off the week with an Easter Party. I was nervous to go since last week you went all one flew over the cuckoo's nest at your play date, but you kind of killed it. This post should be called "An Ode To A Power Nap", because on the way to the party you fell a sleep for about 10 minutes and that was all you needed. At the party you were your normal happy self. You even let people hand you toys... gasp... and touch you... double gasp! It was pretty amazing. So for our Friday play date we left a little early so you had time to nap in the car and it worked like a charm. I guess you don't dislike people after all. Woot woot.

This week we also got through our first sick day together. Well, I was sick and just wanted to bum it out on the couch all day and apparently that suited you just fine. We had a major cuddle session and you slept for FOUR HOURS! That's unheard of around these parts. Thank you baby girl! Now I'm feeling much better but you might be starting to teethe.
Lately, you have been a drool machine, putting everything within arms reach in your mouth to chew on, and you also have been having trouble sleeping, which I read could all be signs of teething. Last night I kept trying to get you to sleep in your crib, but it was a no go. So I held you while we slept and then Pops took a turn. Hopefully tonight will be better. I have a dream that one of these days you'll sleep through the night and it will be magical.
Even blurry it's a keeper.
Someone also learned the completely useless yet priceless trick known as the 'high five.' Oh you want to see it? Okay! 

Last but not least, some friends bought you a Spring costume and since Sunday is Easter, I thought it was the perfect time to try it on and snap a few pics. Don't judge me but I thought you would hate it, so I wanted to get a picture of you crying with the subtitle "Thanks for the costume, obviously she LOVED it." Corny?  Maybe. Cruel? Possibly. Adorable? Definitely. But you surprised me and actually did love it. Imagine that, the one time I actually want you to cry while I'm taking a picture you put on the charm.
Precious, right?
Well, that's pretty much the whole week. Exciting aye? Today is Saturday and once Pops is done working on his project, he's taking you for the day so I can hot tub it up and clean this dirt box we call a house. So, if anything good happens I'll let him fill you in.