
Saturday Mornings!!!!

Right now your Pops is asleep because he hung out with his friend until 4am this morning. Such a party animal that one. But it's his loss because he's missing the absolute best time of the week.
Saturday mornings are my jam. I know I said that I need to stop thinking so much about the future, but I can't help it. I am really looking forward to spending Saturday mornings with you when you're older. I'm so excited for us to develop our Saturday morning traditions. Whether it be waffles on the couch, checking out yard sales, or maybe if I get really lucky and you love me enough... Dance parties, Chic-Fil-A and good conversation all morning long.
It's hard to put into words why I'm so enamored with Saturday Mornings. So, I guess it's good that I don't have to, because I mean, who doesn't love them some Saturday Mornings?
Sunday-Friday we have a pretty strict routine. Those mornings are for working out, tummy time, ABC's, getting dressed, and those sorts of things. But Saturdays have no rules.
Saturday Mornings is where you can sleep in or wake up early and either way you win.
Saturday mornings are for cuddling on the couch and catching up on Tivo in last nights shirt and this mornings hair.
They're for eating pancakes. And if you're a true believer like me, they're for eating Red Vines while you're waiting for the pancakes to cook. Because you know that calories don't count until noon.
Saturday Mornings is where dirty rooms wait because cleaning is a Saturday afternoon kind of job. And if we're being really honest, it's more of a Monday morning situation.
I hope I've finished that gallery wall by
Where naps are optional and music is mandatory.
If pigs ever fly or the end of a rainbow is ever found, I'm willing to bet it happens on a Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, I don't know if this is to forward of me, but I think I love you.