
The Week That Never Was

So, last week we made another trek to Virginia. Since being outdoors is your favorite, I was pretty excited to spend 2 weeks exploring DC with you. We started our DC exploration on Monday when we went to the National Zoo with Aunty Keisha and your cousins. I had a good time but apparently I should have savored those last moments outdoors because that night you came down with Chicken Pox. Thanks Jordan!! 

The infector, himself.

Riding the Metro, with Jaden.

Remember back when you had an ear infection, and I was all "Dang girl, you handled that like a boss?" Well, this ailment was not handled in a boss like fashion. Not true. It was handled like a boss that everyone hates. Woah, I don't know where that came from. It must be the sleep deprivation talking. Imagine if I really talked to you like that. You would be a stripper right now named Kandi. Wait, are you a stripper? No, don't answer that. Let's just get back to The Chicken Pox AKA The death of me. 

A little Kandi action on the way to the Zoo.

Before we left on our roadtrip you were a regular sleeping beauty. It was magical and I was appreciative. Then you became sick and decided sleep was for the weak. Now you're better and off your schedule and you literally wake up 30 times a night. Well, not literally. It's the kind of literally that people use when figuratively just doesn't seem to do the point justice. So you figuratively literally wake up like 30 times a night. This next comment is directed to Kandi not you baby, but ummm.... YA SUCK! 
Now, you're probably curious why I'm venting via a journal that's suppose to feel you with warm and gushy feelings, right? It's because one day when you have a kid and it's crying it's little heart out all night and you have a pounding headache and wonder how bad it would be if you just put in some ear plugs and kept it moving. Know it's not because your kid hates you it's because Karma is a dirty skank, whose Mom drove her to the pole.
Now on to the warm and gushy feelings. Baby girl you are mobile. Say WHAT?!?! You are army crawling and scooting all over that floor. I suspect if we're good about getting your tummy time in, you'll be full on crawling before we know it. CRAZY! I almost said cray cray. Do you know what that is? If kids are still speaking like that then we are probably also being taught Japanese in schools. 
So, Sayonara Kiddo.