
Seven For Seven

You're almost eight months old which is kind of mind blowing. July, are you even real? Even though this month just flew by it's still a month to remember. Here are seven things that I hope to always remember about the seven month old you.

1. How I have to hide the iPad from you because as soon as you see it, you demand to watch videos.

2. Speaking of being sneaky. How about how I have to hide in the kitchen while you're falling asleep for a nap, because as soon as you see me you start crying and lose all interest in sleeping.

3. Oh but the look I get after a nice long nap. If we could bottle that smile it would be called Just Pure Joy. Melt my heart.

4. Crawling! Just kidding. This is how crawling works for you. 1) See object of desire 2) Lay on belly and reach arms as far out as possible 3) Kick legs 4) Realize you're no closer to said object 5) Roll over until you are in arms reach of desired objects 6) Repeat step 2. Honestly after watching your technique I'm not entirely sure why babies ever crawl.

5. THAT LAUGH. I could find out I had Cancer with only minutes to live and that laugh of yours would make me smile. It's loud and high and so full of... i don't know, happiness? I just love that laugh so much.

6. Sleep. You are on a new schedule where you sleep from 7:30- 3, then from 3:15ish-6, then from 6-7:20ish. Can I get an Amen? This morning it took me a minute of trying to turn on my phone to check the time, before I realized it was a pack of crackers. So, clearly I could use to rest. 

7. This is the month we found out you're going to be a big sister! You're going to be such a sweet big sister. But I guess you already knew that.