
The One That Keeps Me Up

So Mr. Lincoln today is Saturday, which is my day to sleep in. Pops gets up with your Sister and I'm suppose to sleep the day away. But it's 2:35 AM and just like every Saturday I'm awake. And not like the awake where you're sure that if you lay still enough and close your eyes tight enough, you'll fall back asleep. I'm awake awake. Like if I wasn't such a scardy cat I'd go for a jog or a least a brisk walk. 
This pregnancy is pretty easy and you've been a trooper. You've been staying healthy even though I eat like a truck driver and barely sleep. But for some reason you love to keep me up on my day off. Maybe it's just your way of getting me ready for the whole two under two thing. Saturdays off will be a thing of the past come March, I suppose. I don't mind though. 
Being up a 2 am is kind of nice. Once I get passed the annoyance of it all. It's quiet and the perfect temperature. It's the only time of the day that I truly get to myself. Well, ourselves. Noelle still has hours left of resting and Pops isn't trying to engage us in a boring conversation about football or video games. So maybe in the end your not trying to get me ready for not having much alone time or days off, but simply trying to get me to enjoy and use up the time I do have. 
 I never thought I would feel this way and I probably won't ever again, but thanks for keeping me up love. Now lets go catch up on Dexter, craft, and drink some cocoa. We only have a few more Saturdays left like this after all.