When it came to marriage and kids, love was my biggest concern. I was worried that I wasn't capable of unconditional love and eventually my family would realize that I understood them and cherished them, but that I didn't necessarily always love them.
Then you were born. Just like that all my fears went away. I loved you for no reason at all and every reason in the world all at the same time. I look at you and I love you. I hear you laugh in the other room and I can feel pure, unconditional, endless love. There's nothing you could do to make me love you any more or any less.
Yet, yesterday we were playing peek- a-boo and you put the cover over your head and said for the first time "where are you?" with a giggle, and I got this extraordinary feeling. For a second it felt like I loved you more in that moment than I had in the one before. Then it hit me, I like this kid. I really like her.
I spent so much time wondering if I would love you right. And it turns out that when comes to raising kids you don't have to worry about creating a child that you'll love. You'll love them regardless. The work is with raising one that you'll like.
I can't take much credit because you're just a likable little munchkin. You're so cheerful and full of light. You don't just smile, you infect others. It's amazing. I can't hear you laugh or see you smile without following suit. Most kids want to be made happy and you just simply want to be happy. Pops and I lucked out on you kid, that's for sure.
I'll never be that Mom that says that her kids are her best friends, that's just a little too creepy for me. But I seriously have yet to meet another person who makes me as happy as you do, (besides Pops, of course). You are amazing and I'm not just saying that because I'm you're mom. I mean let's be honest, have you read some of the other posts? I calls it like I's sees it. And right now all I can see is this gorgeous little girl, who I hope I like forever.
**Before I forget. We took our first 'real' family vacation in December to Rivera Maya, Mexico. I would dedicate a whole post to it but I sort of dropped the ball on the picture taking. Apparently, I only busted out the camera twice the whole trip. NO BUENO!!! But here are a few shots.
You officially learned to walked here. As soon as we got the hotel room, I put you down and you took off. Crazy right!? |