So we are a couple weeks away from your baby brother's due date! It's been awhile since I posted on here and I wanted to make sure I did it before Lincoln is born and things get crazy for the foreseeable future. Anyways, where to start? So much has happened since your first birthday. You started walking and now you are a pro. You want to walk everywhere and you try to climb over everything. One of your favorite games is for me to chase you while you run around. You laugh and laugh and eventually you just come to me because you're ready for me to get you. It's so much fun.
You've been learning words and are putting them together with some of your baby signs. It is so neat to be able to communicate with you when you want something. You recently learned how to say Blue's Clues so you are always asking to watch it. I don't know if it's because it's your favorite or if it's just because that's the one you know how to say. Although you can say Elmo and you never ask to watch that so maybe it is your favorite.
Let's see, what else? Your Grandpa and Grandma Hall came down and visited over Christmas break and you finally started liking to hang out with them it seemed. You've started teething even though you've just got the one tooth coming in so far. I locked us out of our car one night and you played in the Blockbuster like it was the greatest place ever until your Mom showed up with the keys. You saw Elmo live at Sea World and freaked out (in a good, totally adorable way). I'm sure there's more that I'm just not thinking of, but suffice it to say, we have been having some good times together.
So yeah, you should have a little brother soon and I'm sure you will be a great big sister! But I have enjoyed these past 14 months with just you and I must say, your brother is going to have quite a standard to live up to. You are such a good kid and always so happy. Everytime I take you out someone always asks me if you are always so happy. And then I tell your Mom and she's like, "You know you tell me this every time you take her out right?" Your smile and your laugh are contagious (as are your colds but I won't dwell on that). And you completely have me wrapped around your finger. I love you