
Time Flies (By Dad)

Wow, time has gone by so fast! Having two kids is definitely way more time consuming than having one kid. I'm sorry I haven't been on here to write lately, but between getting adjusted to having both of you and finishing up my thesis, things have been busy. So, yeah, I finally finished my thesis, so that's cool. I'm so glad to finally be done with my Master's. At some point, I'd like to go back for my PhD, but right now, it's good to have extra time to spend with you kids.

You two are growing up so fast, it's crazy. Noelle, you have gotten more teeth. You've got your alphabet down, you're counting, you've got a pretty good handle on shapes and colors. You're starting to put sentences together and you're mom is teaching you to read a few words too. Every day you seem to get so much older. You've been such a good sister to Lincoln too. You're always hugging him and kissing him and you're always trying to help out with him. It's been so fun to see how loving and protective you are of Link.

Lincoln, you are already crawling. You don't have it down quite yet, sometimes you don't keep your head up, but you are getting pretty mobile. You love bouncing up and down and you are the happiest little baby. You're always smiling and you have an infectious laugh. Your mom watches a lot of reality tv and dance shows with you, so I always try to watch sports with you to balance it out. I really hope you like basketball :) Also, you are sleeping through the night so that's good. You've started eating baby food and you really like squash.

I know I've said this time and time again, but marrying your mom and having the two of you is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. This past week at work was brutal. We had a deadline and we were working late. Stuff was broken and we were really stressed about making the deadline. But then it was the weekend and I got to spend almost all of it with you kids and life is good again. It's amazing how much I love being around you two. You always make me laugh and you're just both such well behaved and good kids.

Your grandma Kathy got married a few weeks ago and we stayed to visit with the family while we were up there. Noelle, you really enjoyed playing with your cousins and it was fun to see you have such a good time up there with them. In a couple weeks, my best friend is getting married, so we're going up to Indiana. I'm hoping you have fun with your other cousins too while we're up there. Lately, you've been really into skyping grandma and grandpa and I know they're loving that. You sing songs with them and play peek a boo and patty cake with them. It's real cute.

Anyways, I'll never be able to capture all the joy these past few months have brought me, or recall all the happy memories. I guess that just goes to show why it's important that I write more often. I'll try to do better. I love you kids so so much.