
A little update

It's been so long I don't even know where to begin. I guess a quick update is in order.

Noelle you are two and sassy and beautiful and smart and everything a two year old should be and more. You love to sing your ABC's and theme songs from your favorite shows. Your favorite phrase is "I do it". Miss Independent over here. You're funny and you know it. You love to get your nails painted, play with friends, play games online, and dance. You truly are a remarkable girl. You're so sweet and friendly. You wave and say hi to everyone you see. And that smile....that smile could end wars. You're just everything I could've hoped for.

Lincoln you're one. I honestly can't believe it. that year flew by and although I don't want it back, I will remember it fondly. You're a walking pro and have 3 teeth. You're so cute it hurts. You have the sweetest spirit. I can just tell you're going to be a special boy. You can say milk, up, mama, and dad. I'm sure you can say more but those are the only words you say on the regular.
photos to come