Lesson 1: Remember that in the end you're really only competing with yourself. Keep an eye on the guy in the white shirt.
Don't you love that kid?! He's so enamored and supportive of his compettion. It would've been so easy for him to be jealous and send little prayers out that Cyrus (this guy dancing) falls flat on his face. But instead he cheers. He cheers because he knows that Cyrus's talent doesn't take away from his own. So cheer on your competors, learn from them if you can and know that there's enough light for everyone to shine.
Lesson 2: Be confident not cocky. I'll just give you the cliff notes on this one because the girl is pretty annoying. So basically there's this girl who just knows she's going to nail a routine. She talks a big game about how hot and great she is. Then she gets sent home, because apparently she wasn't as hot and great as she thought she was. The moral of this story is to believe in yourself but be humble about it. Confidence is knowing your greatness and worth and if you're truly confident than you don't need to speak about it. They'll figure it out.
Lesson 3: Lose with grace. Thank the Lord that this girl has some home training.