
How Time Flies...

I can't believe you'll be seven months next week. It's crazy how fast these last few months have flown by. I've heard that now is the time when a babies personality really starts to show. You have no idea how much I hope that's true. You are the sweetest most lovable little ball of chub. All you do is smile and laugh all day long. I mean, of course you cry when you're tired and hungry and things like that, but I don't think you ever cry without a reason. Pops and I got so lucky with you. If you stay this way forever I will be one happy mama. 
Besides just being an absolute joy you've done a few more things this month.
**You said "Dada". I had been hearing that babies usually say Dada before Mama since it's easier. I thought I would be a little perturbed since I'm the one who wipes your butt for goodness sake, but I was too excited to be annoyed. We were on our way home from a morning walk and you just started yelling "dadaddadadadadada." Talk about precious. I know that you don't know what you're saying but I still like hearing you say it. 
** You sleep and it's heavenly. You're still not sleeping through the night but you are sleeping like a champ in my opinion. You're out like a light by 7:15 pm every night and you usually only wake up at 11:30 and 4:30. Although last night you went until 1 AM so fingers crossed that we'll see a repeat performance tonight.
** You've done a complete 180 from this time. You love people now. You like to people watch and melt their hearts with a gummy smile. 
**The car is no longer on your sh*t list. Maybe it was that long road trip last month? You seem way more content in your car seat. You'll play, look out the window or take a nap instead of before when you would scream, cry, or do a brilliant combo of the two.
** You know you're ABC's. Well you know what A and B are and that's most of the title so I think we're at genius status. 
**  Any music video just won't do anymore. Girlfriends got opinions. You like to watch the musical parts of cartoons and pretty much just anything where there's singing involved. We had a good rotation going that included songs like "Everybody Wants to be A Cat", Sesame Street ABC's, and "Hakuna Matata." But I guess we watched them too many times because you are sick and tired of them and demand new ones every few days. This is your new favorite video. If YouTube doesn't exist anymore then you can look it up if you care. It's Bruno Mars singing Don't give up on Sesame Street.

** On the plus side you like to give lots of tight hugs and sloppy kisses on the not so plus side scratching and biting ( really its more gnawing) are two of your other favorite hobbies. 
** You can sit by yourself and stand with just a little bit of assistance.
** This is your favorite toy right now