
One Last Apology

Let's just get it out there. I kinda suck at this whole blog thing. Keeping up with this thing is virtually impossible for me and for that I apology. However, the reason why I don't have time to write is because I'm busy raising you all, so I guess I'm not really that sorry. So from now on, instead of starting each blog post with a quick apology, maybe i'll just say," you're welcome", and keep it going. 
For the record though, I am sorry that I haven't posted more. You two won't remember these days and you're both pretty spectacular. 
I know that if I don't document these moments now, Noelle you won't know that you use to reenact an entire scene from Frozen and Lincoln, you won't know that you're first phrase was Thank you. Sometimes going through the day to day, I forget how special these things are. I forget that years from now you two will forget the you that you are right now. 
I wish I could make a vow to do better. To take more pictures and jot down little notes of every cute conversation we have. But I know that ultimately, life will get in the way of that promise. And really, isn't that a good thing? Instead, I'll promise to try and remember for you and write it down when I can. I'll promise to do my best to help you guys enjoy this time and even if we all forget it the memories maybe we'll hold on to the feelings.